28 March 2025 Coaching everywhere in the world
ChangeXperience - Erika Bezzo - ChangeXperience services

ChangeXperience services


ChangeXperience offers a wide range of Services oriented to Intercultural Coaching, Executive Coaching, Strategic Problem Solving and Training.

  • Intercultural Coaching

    Intercultural coaching, apart from the classic tools, covers the process of coaching the dimensions of interculturality in order to help those who, living abroad or in a multicultural context, seek to understand, improve, cultivate and successfully manage personal or professional relations.

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  • Executive Coaching

    Executive coaching is oriented towards increasing the individual potential in the field of her professional context by identifying strong points and possible areas for improvement.

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  • Strategic Problem Solving

    Strategic problem solving is an effective instrument for guiding people in a process of change: it helps them to get the best out of themselves, subjugating resistance to change while activating dormant resources, sometimes involuntarily.

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  • Training

    Training interventions on various issues for companies, private individuals and organizations, following the methodology of learning by doing, characteristic of strategic training. The training processes are planned on an ad hoc basis, depending on the specific requirements of each client.

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Read the articles on Expats and the world of Intercultural Mind

Coaching sessions can be held in Italian, French, Spanish, German and English.
Write to Erika Bezzo for any information regarding ChangeXperience services