28 March 2025 Coaching everywhere in the world
ChangeXperience - Erika Bezzo - Intercultural Mind

Intercultural Mind

The philosophy behind "Intercultural Mind"

Why have I created Intercultural Mind?

When I was 27 years and left Italy with all the lightness and lack of concern of my youth, I had no idea of the challenges awaiting me.
As I always tell my clients, no experience draws together so many simultaneous challenges as that of expatriation: at the same time, you change job, companions, language, culture, friends, leaving behind your family and, occasionally, as is my case, all this coincides in marriage.

If you add to this that your first expatriation is to Germany, climatic change too is no small deal!

Each one of these changes, considered by oneself, presents its difficulties and its challenges.
All these changes together can unleash a real crisis in anybody, leaving aside the fact that the farther away from our culture the host county is, the more difficult is the degree of adaptation.

The approach of Intercultural Mind, apart from finding the points of contact and similarities between different cultures, sets out to emphasize the differences as strong points and new opportunities.


Life as an expat is one that I define as "exponential", a life that forces you to live speeded up, which is why I say exponential, in all daily aspects, the joys and pains, the difficulties and the conquests, a life which, at the same time, can turn out to be enriching or devastating.

What elements help some people find their balance, while others throw in the towel?

With 8 house moves behind me in 16 years, 18 years of living abroad, the birth of two daughters in the “third culture” and 12 years in management in four different countries, 8 years ago I began to work in coaching, supporting others in their daily challenges to help them to overcome hurdles and reach their objectives.

This website sets out to support all the expats in the world who, wherever they may be, can access contents on personal growth, stress management and management of difficulties, apart from achieving balance, something which each one of us wants, one way or another.

Read the articles on Expats and the world of Intercultural Mind

Coaching sessions can be held in Italian, French, Spanish, German and English.
Write to Erika Bezzo for any information regarding ChangeXperience services